Shipping and Delivery

Inertiacart offers shipping across India. We strive to ensure that your order arrives safely and in a timely manner. Here’s what you need to know about our shipping policy:

  • Delivery Regions: We currently ship exclusively within India.
  • Order Processing: Please allow 12 hours to process your order. You will receive an email within this timeframe to let you know your order is on the way!
  • Shipping Charges: Shipping charges are calculated at checkout based on the delivery location and the size of the order.
  • Delivery Time: Typically, orders are delivered within 5-7 business days in metro cities, and 5-10 days in other cities. Delivery times may vary based on location and logistics.
  • Tracking: Once your order is shipped, we will provide you with a tracking number so you can track your package online.
  • Customer Support: For any shipping-related inquiries, please contact us at

We ship orders to the delivery address provided during the checkout process. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the shipping address, and we are not liable for any delays or losses caused by incorrect address information.

Estimated delivery times are provided for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed. Actual delivery times may vary depending on factors such as product availability, shipping method, and destination.

Shipping and Handling Fees

Shipping and handling fees may apply to orders depending on the shipping method selected, delivery location, and order size. These fees cover the cost of packaging, postage, and handling. The applicable shipping and handling fees will be displayed during the checkout process.


Prices listed on our website may exclude taxes, such as sales tax or GST, where applicable. Taxes will be calculated and added to the total order amount during checkout based on the customer's location and prevailing tax regulations.

Price Adjustments

In the event of pricing errors or discrepancies, we reserve the right to correct the prices of products or services offered on our website. If you have already placed an order at an incorrect price, we will notify you of the error and provide you with the option to proceed with the corrected price or cancel your order.