At Inertiacart, we are committed to providing transparent and fair pricing for our customers. This Pricing Policy outlines our approach to pricing, including factors that influence pricing decisions, discounts, and any applicable fees.

Transparency and Fairness:

We believe in transparency and strive to clearly communicate our pricing to customers. Our prices are determined based on factors such as the cost of materials, production, customization, and overhead expenses. We aim to set prices that reflect the value of our products and services while remaining competitive in the market.

Product Pricing:

Our product prices are listed on our website and may vary depending on factors such as size, design complexity, and customization options. We regularly review and adjust our prices to reflect changes in costs and market conditions.

Discounts and Promotions:

We may offer discounts, promotions, or special offers from time to time. These may include percentage discounts, buy-one-get-one (BOGO) offers, or free shipping promotions. Unless otherwise stated, discounts and promotions are subject to terms and conditions and may be limited to specific products or timeframes.

Customization Fees:

For customized products, additional fees may apply based on the level of customization requested. These fees cover the cost of design work, customization materials, and labor. The extent of customization and associated fees will be communicated to customers before the order is placed.

Shipping and Handling Fees:

Shipping and handling fees may apply to orders depending on the shipping method selected, delivery location, and order size. These fees cover the cost of packaging, postage, and handling. The applicable shipping and handling fees will be displayed during the checkout process.


Prices listed on our website may exclude taxes, such as sales tax or GST, where applicable. Taxes will be calculated and added to the total order amount during checkout based on the customer's location and prevailing tax regulations.

Price Adjustments:

In the event of pricing errors or discrepancies, we reserve the right to correct the prices of products or services offered on our website. If you have already placed an order at an incorrect price, we will notify you of the error and provide you with the option to proceed with the corrected price or cancel your order.